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You Don’t Count!!!: The Four Caste System in the United States

Updated on January 2, 2012

You Don’t Count: The Four Caste System in the United States

There seems to be this prevailing sentiment of a caste system in the United States. Those who have a job have a great deal of pride and self esteem and then at least a few of them believe in this caste system so firmly that they actually have dared to speak the words to me. “You don’t count.” If I don’t count them who does?

Let me give you a bit of background so you understand the circumstances. I was terrible ill with an infection and I am a single Mom with a child with a rare medical condition, for the life of me I don’t understand why the doctors’ in my community can’t learn how to medically manage so I left to do it myself daily and seeking health care for my son outside of my rural community, and my son has Autism on top of that. In the past year my Mother has died of end stage cancer which she was in end stage cancer for two years. I had no hospice service and no respite. I haven’t had respite services in 12 years with my son. I have had to learn medicine, biochemistry and many different Sciences all by myself without any help from anyone. And I have been very successful at this endeavor with my child. I provide my son his school as they don’t allow disabled medically fragile children educations in the community I live in and I do it on a budget of about $2 a day.

I have to as well as I am handling medicines. So when I became sick I sought services after hours in the local ER. I sat for three hours having my hair pulled, being slapped and bitten as my son hates the hospital since his Nana died there. For three and a half hours this went on and no one offered to help me. Everyone decided to sit on their behinds and talk and gossip and did absolutely nothing to offer me any assistance. Finally when I complained the registration attendant decided to stick us in a back room. This of course didn’t help my situation at all but at least the other patients didn’t have to see me be beaten to a pulp. After waiting another three hours with a terrible infection and in pain might I add, I asked the register nurse when I would be seen. Her answer to me was and I am quoting, “You are a single parent with a disabled child and you don’t count. We have more important people to see.” It always amazes me how frank people are to people who they consider less then themselves. At that point I realized there are four classes of Americans right now.

The first class of rather obvious and that is people with a million dollars in assets. You know the ones who refuse to pay taxes, are completely worthless and do absolutely nothing for their communities.

The second class of citizens are those with under a million in assets but employed. They are all one check away from homelessness themselves but are in such denial that they are abusive to the two classes they consider lower than themselves.

The third class of citizens are the unemployed. These were people who were middle class and had retirements and savings but lost it in the markets. And these people are closer to homelessness then the employed who at least have income.

And finally the fourth class of citizens are the disabled who by all standard measures mean absolutely nothing in this society. Admittedly, in order to care for my son since no one can figure out that rare disorder here, I am unemployed so I am a third class citizen caring for a fourth class citizen which is a disabled American. Remember in 4th grade if you had the shawdow on a lesser class touch you you were propelled into that caste system. So here I sit in the bottom caste system.

But to be very frank, the receptionist wouldn’t last an hour in my shoes. She couldn’t even comprehend the length and brevity of the days which I endure without a break. She can barely check people in to the Emergency Room. So you have to wonder if the most skilled and talented people are now unemployed while less skilled people have foundered themselves on self importance in American Society when they don’t have any skills at all.

I value everyone that contributes but what I don’t value and which I think is exceptionally dangerous in our society is this caste system the United States has fallen into.

And no one segment besides the military has paid more for those wars in the Middle East then the disabled population as they were defunded to pay for those wars. Don’t let the government lie to you and tell you they put all of the wars bill on the credit card. They didn’t they stole the funding for the disabled to pay for their wars of failure over in the Middle East. This government, the government of the United States of America, stole from the disabled to pay for those wars and left the disabled population with nothing.

And if I were the government the first people I would fund would be the first people who sacrificed and haven’t been paid in the last decade which is the disabled. No other population has more to gain from a stable economy then the disabled. Obviously paying those who have been paid in the last decade is a hair brained scheme as those are the same people who have hoarded and wasted America’s wealth.

If I were in charge I would put everyone that is employed now out to war and everyone who has been without a paycheck for a decade or more as a guardian of American wealth. The disabled have proven to be the most loyal in times when no one could ever be trusted. And this disabled population has endured quite a bit in the name of patriotism for a very long time without being enfranchised in society.

So I would make absolutely certain that in a country that claims to be a democracy that everyone counted instead of propelling a caste system of non-stop civil war in America. The world would be in trouble if the United States stopped fighting each other over resources. And that day is dawning soon because the only war there is really in America is that between the people and their government over their unhealthy allegiances in the Middle East. I can think of specifically I am tired of the Bushes working for Saudi Arabia especially since we were supposedly attacked by Saudi Arabia on 9/11. It is the unhealthy relationship the Bushes have with money that causes our national security to be endangered to the tune of 15 million a year I believe George Bush collects which he doesn’t pay taxes on as did his Father. And now Barack Obama seems to be furthering his relations with Saudi Arabia as well.

If anyone doesn’t count in this country it is the executive branch first as they work for us and not us for them.

In Conclusion

It is really simple. Make certain that everyone counts no matter who they are and you will be fine. There are people amongst you who wait for you to make such statements and then when you do, you don’t count. Be generous to each other and love each other because it is us against the government and their unnatural alliance with money and foreign entities. America needs to embrace Americans of all persuations.

Be a hero. If you are in America be indivisible no matter what the government does. They have this nation carved up worse then a third world country and it is being done to you and by reacting you are be a party to it. No one divides Americans from each other any longer.


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