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Which Political Party will End their Addiction to Middle Eastern Oil Interests and Lower Gas Prices?

Updated on June 29, 2014

Oil Buys the USA Government


Which Party Will End High Oil Prices?

I have been wondering which Party is going to step up to the plate this presidential election year and proclaim independence from Middle Eastern Oil? Both Parties have suggested this relationship end. I think they have even called Americans oil addicts. But who is really addicted to oil interests in the Middle East? Certainly not the sucker who is paying $4 a gallon at the gas pump. That person would readily say goodbye to Middle Eastern oil interests with all of its civil war and bad karma. Most of us know off the top of our heads readily available alternative fuels which our country could switch over to in a heart beat. Well maybe not a heart beat but within a year we could be completely free of Middle Eastern Oil.

But there are there fundamental truths which the government hasn't bothered to tell the people of the United States. First is that political campaigns all are taking a lot of money from oil rich countries to keep the USA dependent upon Middle Eastern oil. If we didn't buy oil from the Middle East then what interests would we really have there? Yes we love the Middle Eastern Countries but not all the baggage that comes along with them. So each and every election cycle is so heavily influenced by big Oil that the USA government no longer represents the people but oil interests.

The second fundamental truth which no one in this country seems to want to admit is that there is a flat regressive tax on all gasoline sold in the USA. The government is intentionally taxing the poorest of the poor to pay for their extraordinarily expensive life styles. And they have extended that flat regressive tax across everything now so the Fed has created a state in which there is hyper inflation but in all reality we are being taxed quite literally into poverty while the richest of the rich pay next to nothing in taxes.

And third which no one in this country wants to talk about but is a reality of Free Trade is that it is very expensive to ship things all over the world. While you can get fruit from Lepers in India at a really reasonable price once you ship it to the USA what was once reasonable is no longer reasonable or prudent. World Trade doesn't work because of the cost of oil to ship products all over the world. Fundamentally the merchandise is of exceptionally poor quality and very expensive. And neither political Party nor the Tea Party can seem to face this simple Mathematical fact. Maybe because they are paid not to deal with the reality of the situation and they know they couldn't afford their live styles or their campaigns if they actually don't take money form oil interests.

Has Oil Imports Significantly Dropped in the Last Decade?

Biodeisel from Wasted Vegetable Oil


I dare say the Democrats sound more like the Republicans everyday. There is almost no discernible difference between them.

They don't address becoming dependent from Middle Eastern Oil at all but have a banned if any plan to try and create jobs. Never mind no will be able to afford to drive to the job in which they will not be paid a living wage. Tax credits to higher. Like that works in a hyperinflation climate?

So expect oil at over 120 a barrel during the 2012 Election.

Democrats are Just as Addicted to Foreign Oil


More flat regressive taxes which means more hyper inflation and soup lines. That flat regressive tax would be a national sales tax that would kill the middle class and the poor.

Republicans are Addicted to Foreign Oil Too!

Tea Party Moves


Tea Party Movement

We could not be in more trouble then if the Tea Party Movement comes into power. I suspect they are funded by Oil Interests and seek only to increase those flat regressive taxes, dive deeper into World Trade and do everything in their power to maintain the Middle East influence in Washington DC. Tea Party Movement is nothing more than an institution furthering Oil Interests in the United Sates which is fiscally irresponsible. So when I say Throw the Bums Out, the Tea Party Movement is currently holding offices in Washington DC and are therefore establishment candidates so I mean the Tea Party Movement as well.

In Conclusion

I think that DC rests comfortably with The Tea Party Movement because I see both sides the Republicans, the Democrats and the Tea Party Movement not offering substantive policies to deal with the hyper inflation in this country which will lead to a hyper deflation or a depression, the out of control flat regressive taxes which have over burdened the poor and the middle class to spare the wealthy from sharing in the sacrifices of this country.

There has been absolutely no talk of pulling out of the World Trade Organization which this country desperately needs to do or of using alternative renew fuel which is ample, abundant and would free us from the grasps of Middle Eastern Oil Interests. I personally have offered more ideas on the HubPages then I have heard from any politician running for office. It is time to throw all the bums out and to keep tossing them out until they learn that they can no longer do this to the American People because business in DC is a booming and they aren't about to change at all. I wouldn't be surprised at all if we see gasoline at over $5 a gallon in the next year.


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